速報APP / 商業 / Consultant Corner

Consultant Corner





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Consultant Corner(圖1)-速報App

The Consultant Corner application is free to Clever Container consultants who want to manage their business from a tablet or smart phone. The app includes all the best features of the Consultant Corner back office, including:

• Quick-links to the site’s most-used features

• Personal, team, and company-wide calendars

• Video sharing and social media links

• Access to training and helpful “How Do I?” videos

• The Rank Progress tool to help you chart a course to your next promotion

• Alerts and notifications

• Lead management tools

Consultant Corner(圖2)-速報App

• The ability to enter new orders, view existing ones, and track shipments

• Team-tracking tools and reports

• Commission and bonus payout information

• Links to all your events – parties, workshops, and fundraisers – plus those of your team members

• The latest company news

• Customer contact information

• Access to support tickets

• The full Resource library

You must have a valid, active Clever Container Consultant ID and back office login password to use this application.